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Conservation Commission Minutes 11/12/2008
November 12, 2008

Present:  M. Dempsey, T. Schaefer, C. Keene, S. Benanti, T. Grim, S. Sexton

Meeting opened at 7:21 pm.  

ConCom Business – T. Grim made a motion to accept the minutes from October 10, 2008 as submitted.  M. Dempsey 2nd.  3 yes.  2 abstain.  Motion passed.   

ConCom Business – Center Place Bonds
Present:  Tom Neve

Center Place has a $50,000 bond attached.  T. Neve suggested placing individual bonds on Lot 1A, Lot 1B, Lot 24 and Lot 15.   S. Sexton arrived 7:43 pm.  

M. Dempsey made a motion that ConCom agree to lower the aggregate bond on the projects existing currently at $50,000 to $10,000 that will cover only Lots 1A, 1B, 15 and 24; and that Tom Neve will receive his $10,000 back when all lots are sold or the last Certificate of Compliance is issued to any lots owned.  In addition, ConCom will issue a request to all developers that they post an individual $10,000 bond upon purchase.   T. Grim 2nd.  5 yes.  1 abstain. Motion passed.  

OOC Extension for Lot 15, 23 Stonebridge.  
A 2 year extension is requested.   The current extension expires April, 2009.  M. Dempsey made a motion that ConCom extend the Order of Conditions under the DEP rules,  for Lot 15, 23 Stonebridge Road for one year to 4/11/10.  C. Keene 2nd.  4 yes, 2 abstain.  Motion passed.   

Lots 1A & 1B
The developer is trying to donate Lot 1C.  The applicant subdivided the lot.  He provided access to internal conservation land and build small parking lot.  The Selectmen won’t accept land, and Tom Neve has been looking for a  3rd party to take a conservation restriction on it or own it.  

M. Dempsey got a letter dated May 2, 2008, from Essex County Greenbelt.  T. Neve said he’s been asking via emails every 2 weeks to request a meeting with the Selectmen and get on their agenda. T. Neve can prepare a conservation restriction and will send it in and get it approved.  The Selectmen need to sign it as representatives of the Town.   The donation would fulfill one of the conditions on the order.  Hearing closed 8:06 pm.  

Shanahan Field – Commissioners continued to discuss this project and associated issues.    Moved the fields down from original plan.  Susan wanted the fields maintained organically.  

M. Dempsey suggests organically maintaining within 200’ riparian zone.  T. Grim pointed out that no fertilizers, etc. are permitted within the Merrimack River per the Groveland ConCom bylaw.   Because of the impact to wildlife and safety, C. Keene, S. Benanti and T. Grim do not want the 2nd trail made.     

M. Dempsey made a motion to accept the plan as submitted, but add the condition that the new trail will only be put in after a full year of performance of the first trail clean up; and no sooner than May 30, 2010.  In addition, following an adequate inspection and vote of the Conservation Commission.  1 no.  5 yes.  Motion passed.  Closed 9:00 pm.    

Open Space and Trails Committee – Joint Meeting With ConCom

Opened 9:01 pm.  Commissioners discussed the possibility to purchase 5.9 acres of land, aka the Agnes Kelly property, next to Stephenson’s Way and Meadowpond Reservation.  $10,000 is needed towards the purchase by May, 2009.   Commissioners discussed other properties of interest, as well as a possible site for a water tower.  
M. Dempsey made a motion to close the meeting at 9:30 pm.  C. Keene 2nd.  All in favor.  Unanimous.  

Respectfully submitted,

Lori Felch
Administrative Agent